News and events in the Pennsylvania region.
The Results are in! Pennsylvania wrapped up their State Championship on Saturday October 12, 2019 at Old State Tavern in Media, PA. Pennsylvania had 10 players qualify to play in the State Championship. Making his presence known, the only player with a double stack, also taking down first place and the travel voucher, Stephen Rufo. Rufo's first tournament with FPN was July of this year and has since played 14 tournaments final tabeling 9 and winning 4. Second place also with a guarenteed seat to the King Slayer Championship in Las Vegas January 10-12 is Mike Strozack.
The Ladies with a strong finish and are both alternates invited to Las Vegas, with several oppertunties to qualify for their seats into the King Slayer Championship and a share of $50,000! With her 3rd place finish Rachel Simpson has taken part in 3 FPN Promotions with 97 tournaments played, 24 final tables and 6 wins. With a 4th place finish and no stranger to poker, Diane Archdeacon. Archdeacon has played FPN going on 6 years and had a 6 tournament winning streak between March and April!
Frank Manero who plays on Monday nights at the Roadhouse Inn in Newportsville, Pennsylvania was the latest perfect attendance winner. Frank showed up all five nights in December to get qualified and was just drawn recently. For just showing up Frank has won himself a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. Congrats Frank!
Congratulations to Geoff and Donna Schutzbank who recently won the Pennsylvania State Championship. The Schutzbank's have won their spot in the 100 WSOP National Championship on June 29th in Las Vegas and both are guaranteed a WSOP buy-in the following day. Depending on how each do at the National Championship will depend which size WSOP buy they receive. Both Jeff and Donna have won previously and have the experience needed in the National Championship. Congrats and good luck at Nationals!
Tyson Evensen (pictured left) from West Sand Lake, NY had an opportunity to play two state championships within days of each other. The first was Pennsylvania where he and Joe Pollack were the top two to win a spot at the National Championship on November 15th. The next was the bigger state championship in New York where the top 8 qualified. Tyson continued his poker prowess and qualified again gaining a double stack at Nationals. Wow, well done Tyson!
Geoff and Donna Schutzbank (sitting) have done it again in Pennsylvania. Both have qualified for the National Championship recently during the PA State Championship. They finished one and two respectively. This is the second time they have been able to accomplish this. Back in the Poker Pro promotion they were able to finish first and second as well.