New York State Championship - King Slayer

82 players qualified, 41 Registered, Top 4 guaranteed their seats to the Main event at Nationals, 2 received travel Cash, 2 will be alternates in Vegas and 1 amazing host Julie Riley!
The New York State Championship was held on Saturday November 9, 2019. The top 2 players received a travel voucher, and four players earned the title of State Champion, receiving a trophy and a guaranteed seat at nationals to the King Slayer Championship Free-roll, with $50,000 in prizes, January 10-12, 2020 in Las Vegas.
Alternates remember in Vegas, you can play any of the Second chance qualifiers to get a seat into the Main Event and if one of the qualifiers do not show you also get a seat. Opportunity for double stacks! You can also grab a partner and crush the Tag Team Event.
Congratulations to Shawn Vargo from Log Cabin Inn, earning his seat in the 2nd chance tournament.