
Randell Warning from Chuck's in Burbank, IL Takes Down League Champ Championship

Randell Warning FPN League Champ Champion

Three players from the same bar made the final table! Wilmar VFW.*:

Josh Dahlstrom (ND) Al Kingsley (SD) Larry Sundberg (MN) John Dipalma (TX) Josh Manley (MN)* Julie Karazim (IL) Tom Gjerde (MN)* Mike W8edenfeld Sr (NE) Randell Warning (IL) Peter Miller-Russo (MN)*

On the side we had some fun with 3-Time WSOP Bracelet winner Dutch Boyd, two league players were drawn to challenge Dutch to a headsup match for $100 free. Jack Lippert from Shalimar FL got the first crack at Dutch, and controlled the chip lead for most of the match but eventually Dutch got the best of him. Likewise for MN player. Overall it was an entertaining night and we look forward to the rest of the series here at the Golden Nugget. 

Jack Lippert takes on Dutch Boyd Headsup

Here are the Top 28 Main Event Mania Championship Qualifiers:

Mike Marek Dan Gilbert Josh Dahlstrom Dusty Baker Al Kingsley Randell Warning (current chip leader) Mike McConniel Larry Sundberg Melissa Block Matthew Lyons Sharon Quale Jacques Todd John Dipalma Steve Fugelstad Josh Manley Julie Karazim Chris Nelson Rob Knudsvig Stephanie Daas Josh Bogenreif Tim Rice Tom Gjerde Ken Burnett Mike Wiedenfeld Sr Peter Miller-Russo Larry Meyer Jeff Nagel Linda Fotre

The tournament ended around 2am local time.